Clear Cache

Removing Cache from Smart Slider:

$update_banner_query = "update wp_nextend2_smartslider3_slides set published = '0' where (id = '50')";
$update_banner_query2 = mysqli_query($conn2,$update_banner_query);
$update_cache_query = "delete from wp_nextend2_section_storage where (application = 'cache')";
$update_cache_query2 = mysqli_query($conn2,$update_cache_query);

Removing Cache for Redis

if (function_exists('wp_cache_flush' ) ) { // it’s available, let’s clear the cache for Redis
} else { echo "

Function to clear Redis isn’t available.

"; }

Removing Cache for Rocket

if (function_exists('rocket_clean_domain' ) ) { // it’s available, let’s clear the cache for wp-rocket
} else { echo "

Function to clear Rocket isn’t available.

"; }